Playlist :
- Sheridan Grout And Aloma Steele - Breathless
- Aly And Fila And Paul Thomas - UV [Tune Of The Week]
- Denis Kenzo and Claire Willis - U and I
- Airscape and JES - My Love (eskai extended remix) [Goosebumpers !]
- 4 Strings And Denise Rivera - In The Middle Of A Dream (ruslan radriges remix)
- Fawks - AFK
- Zaa - Origins (dim3nsion remix)
- Super8 and Tab - Quest
- The Thrillseekers - In These Arms (The Thrillseekers Pres Hydra Extended Remix)
- Roman Messer ft Clare Stagg - For You (Steve Allen Extended Remix)
- Mind-X - Fantasy
- Liam Wilson - Something About You
- Perrelli And Mankoff Ft. Sara Houston - Lingering Mind
- Danilo Ercole - Redemption
- Alexander Popov and Christian Burns - One More Time (Remixes)
- Paul Denton - Zombie \01 paul denton - zombie
- Amos And Riot Night Ft. Dee Dee - Edge Of Love
- Three Drives - United As One
- Svenson and Gielen - We Know What You Did (Alex M.O.R.P.H. Remix)
- R.E.L.O.A.D. ft Ardao - Your Own Destiny
- Omniks - Ambre
- Jase Thirlwall - Lucent
- First Sight And Matt Chowski - Its Time